Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939-1945


Evader chart: E0902
SGLO Date crash Aircraft
T4724 26-11-44 B-17 Flying Fortress
MilRank First Name(s) Name
T/Sgt. Quilla Dee Reed
Milregnr. Nationality Born
14107991 American
Returned Y/N Evader Fate Date Captured/Liberated Place Captured/Liberated Escape Line
Yes EVD 14 apr 45 Olderbekoop -
Evader Story
						T/Sgt. Quilla D. Reed was the engineer of B-17 43-37913. After bailing out he landed between Norg and Een, east of the Eenebrug and close to the farm ‘Okdenhof’. Another crewmember, S/Sgt. R.A. Trombley (E0905) landed close by. Trombley had been injured during the mission when he was hit in his leg under the right knee. Soon they were surrounded by curious Dutchmen. Two of them, Wiebe Bron and Gosse Rozenboom, urged both men to come with them on their bicycles. They crossed the Norgerweg in the direction of the woods of Veenhuizen. Both airmen were left in a wood opposite the farm of widow Assies at the Zesde Wijk. When Rozenboom came inside to tell the widow that he had hid two pilots in the wood, he met Geert and Kees Veldman, two resistance men. Kees Veldman was the leader op KP Noord-Drenthe. His brother Geert was acquinted to KP Friesland. Kees Veldman cycled shortly after midday to Veenhuizen, to ask his relations to pick up the two American airmen. 

After darkness, Hendrik (als known as Henny) Woering  and Hendrik Egbers rode to the wood, but in the end they located both airmen in the farm of widow Assies. With the wounded Trombley on the back of a bike and Reed on a bicycle himself they rode to the farm of the parents of Hendrik/Henny Woering: Koop and Jantina Woering at the Derde Wijk (now Esweg) in Veenhuizen. The farm belonged to the Rijkswerkinrichting Veenhuizen. In the following weeks Trombley and Reed hid on this farm. The injury of Trombley meanwhile caused worries. Trombley was checked and helped several times by the doctor of the asylum. 

They stayed here until 13 December. Early in the morning that day the farm was raided by the SD, the socalled Bloedploeg and several Landwachters. They didn't find the hisding place of Trombley, Reed and Kobus Woering (one of the sons). The raiders left the farm but left a guard on the property. In the afternoon Kobus woering left the hiding place and surprised the guard. This  gave them the opportunity to flee. They first hid in the so called Pastoorbosje behind the catholic church Then they two Americans found a hiding place on the attic of a little shed next to the house of padre Smits. Here they were joined by Hendrik Woering, Gerrit van Kleef and T/Sgt. M.D. (Don) Barker (E0900). Together they spent the night in a clothing room (kleedhokje korfbal) at the Hoofdweg. 

Early next morning they left their hiding place. Hendrik Woering took Trombley, (who had fever because of the shotwound in his leg), Reed, Barker and Van Kleef in the direction of Ter Haule. After several adventures they ended up in the farm of Mindert de Boer. After spending the night here, Peet de Boer brought Trombley the next day -15 December - to the house of Widow Dijk at the Schansdijk near Beneden-Haulerwijk. With thelp of probably Gerrit van Kleef he also brought Reed and Barker on the same day to this address. In contrary to Reed and Barker, Trombley left this address still on the same day. Because of the seriousness of his wound, he needed medical care. He was taken to Donkerbroek where dr Winkel took care of him. Also Reed and Barker didn’t stay here for long. After a few days Dirk Breitsma and Hendrik de Man escorted the two to Hendrikus Marcus de Jong in Bontebok. Reed stayed here, while Barker went the same day, escorted by baker Harm de Vos of Oudehorne, to the house of Haaye de Vries and his wife Maria between Oudehorne and the Schoterlandse Compagnonsvaart. Barker would stay here for three months.

In the first weeks of January 1945 Harm de Vos and Jan Harkema escorted also Reed to the house of Haaye and Maria de Vries. They stayed here until 21 March 1945. On this date Jan Harkema brought the two airmen to a new hiding address in Lippinghuizen. He took them to Hoornsterzwaag where they spent the night in the house of Pier Dijkstra. The next day they arrived in the house of policeman Johannes Krol. They hid here until the liberation on 13 April. They spent part of their time with weapon lessons for resistance members and assisted also during at least one weapon dropping. In the night of 13/14 April they were involved in a firefight at the crossing of the Zwaagster- and Buitenweg. Shortly after this incident, they ran into two other Americans, 1/Lt. Mark Wilson (E0966) and 1/Lt. Charles Oldfield (E0967). Next day the four contacted Canadian troops in Olderbekoop.

* Jan Slofstra and Jaap de Boer, Vliegers op de vlucht. De crash van de Seattle Sleeper bij Haulerwijk op 26 november 1944 (Gorredijk 2020)
* John Meurs, Not Home for Christmas: A Day in the Life of the Mighty Eighth (2019)