Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939-1945

Loss Register

Loss chart: T4515
Day or Night of operation Operation Target Nickname Aircraft
9 Oct 44 - -
Factory Aircraft Mk Serial/Wnr. Code Unit Air Force TO/t Airfield
Heinkel He 111 H-16 161920 5K+CR 8./KG 3 Luftwaffe -
Time Cause of the Crash Crash Location Damage Province
Nyemirdum - Kippenburg Friesland
Function Mil Rank Ini Name Age Mil reg Air Force Fate Cemetery Grave Remarks
Flugzeugführer Fw. A. Schmid 25 69873/453 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn AT-9-224 Initially buried Leeuwarden
Beobachter Uffz. H. Schiessl 22 69873/454 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn AT-9-225 Initially buried Leeuwarden
Bordfunker Ogfr. G. Leßoing 22 69873/468 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn AT-9-222 Initially buried Leeuwarden
Bordschütze Gfr. R. Vogel 19 B65120/146 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn AT-9-220 Initially buried Leeuwarden
Bordschütze Gfr. G. Pfau 19 B65120/142 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn AT-9-221 Initially buried Leeuwarden
Wartime Records Background Info
- Archive J. Manrho for Kennzeichen, unit and crew data

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