Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939-1945

Loss Register

Loss chart: T4815
Day or Night of operation Operation Target Nickname Aircraft
17/18 Dec 44 Sondereinsatz Nachteule -
Factory Aircraft Mk Serial/Wnr. Code Unit Air Force TO/t Airfield
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4 730354 G9+IP 6./NJG 1 Luftwaffe 2130 Düsseldorf
Time Cause of the Crash Crash Location Damage Province
2200 Shot down by AA fire from 108th HAA Regt Crashed Lage bos Elsloo along the railway Limburg
Function Mil Rank Ini Name Age Mil reg Air Force Fate Cemetery Grave Remarks
Flugzeugführer Uffz. B. Tegethoff 24 60932/84 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn T-12-299 Initially buried in fieldgrave near crash location. Buried Ysselsteyn March 1949
Bordfunker Ogfr. K. Behrendt 20 71061/439 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn T-12-299 Initially buried in fieldgrave near crash location. Buried Ysselsteyn March 1949
Bordschütze Uffz. H. Becker 19 2.Ln.Ers.Nachr.Rgt.7 Nr. 31 Luftwaffe KIA Ysselsteyn T-12-299 Initially buried in fieldgrave near crash location. Buried Ysselsteyn March 1949
Wartime Records Background Info
- Mail Harie Rouvroye 14 dec 2009 for time and cause; 'Duel in de wolken' p.196 by Ron Pütz for T/O time and airfield; Archive J. Manrho for crew data

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