Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939-1945


Monument chart: M0115
Monument Name T/R Number
Gedenkzuil Halifax EB215 T2906
Date unveiling Street City Zipcode Province
November 11, 2006 Laan van Fasna 87 Vaassen 8171 NR Gelderland
The monument is a small plaque on a wooden pillar. 

This is monument #3 in the pillar project of the 'Broken Wing ’40-’45'Foundation', ment  to commemorate and honor people who committed themselves to the cause of winning WWII in the airwar over Vaassen. In the future a historical bicycle route will be planned along these markers related to the airwar during WWII.
In the night of September 27 to 28, 1943 a fleet of 678 heavy bombers were scheduled for an attack of the city of Hanover. As an important railway and road junction and production centre, Hanover was a major target for strategic bombing during World War II, including the Oil Campaign. Halifax Mk.V EB215 'NA-T of RAF 428  squadron took part in the mission and departed from RAF station Middleton St. George at 7.17 p.m. Somewhere on the return flight the aircraft was suddenly shot at,  either by Flak or a nightfighter, and apparently not seriously damaged. But above the Netherlands fire broke out in one of the engines spreading rapidly over the aircraft. Time for bailout ran out, only Wireless Operator/ Air GunneE.T. Springett and Navigator D.A.J. Griffin were able to leave the plane in time. Griffin landed safely and was taken prisoner, whereas Griffin did not survive the jump, mayb due to damage of his chute.'All men but Navigator D.A.J. Griffin are buried at the General Cemetery  on the Apeldoornseweg  in Vaassen (municipality of Epe).